Jan. 16, 1971: Clyde Bonnas and His String Men
What became of this band, the String Men? Bandleader Clyde Bonnas moved to another garden spot, Eden, and died in 2007. Vibes player Al LaMarti lived to the ripe old age of 92 and just passed away in November in Florida . Guitarist Al Parker, meanwhile, may have become the most famous, but not for music. I’ve pretty sure he’s the guy featured in a New York Times article in 2010 and many other places in recent years. Right age, right occupation, right number of children. So if that’s really the right Al Parker, he’s a full-blooded member of the Tonawanda Band of Seneca Indians and goes around portraying his great-great uncle, Ely Parker, military secretary to Gen. Ulysses Grant in the Civil War. Ely Parker transcribed the articles of surrender that Robert E. Lee signed at Appomattox and is buried in Forest Lawn cemetery. Jan. 16, 1971 Country Rock with Vibes Memory may be deceiving, but these Saturday afternoon color TV wrestlers look more g...